Curiosity and Wellbeing
So often we are in such a rush.
We are flying from one important job to another. The next demand on our time, the next thing. Even leisure and rest seems to put demands on us. We are full.
So what would happen if we stop? We’ve discussed this before, but right now, why don’t you stop. Just for a moment. No tools or techniques, just look out of a window and ask yourself what do you see?
Looking out of my front window as I write this I can see a busy road, cars, people going about their day, others walking, families returning from the school run. I can see a guy fixing guttering. I see birds and clouds and trees. I see plants moving in the breeze. There is so much.
All these things that are around us are everyday, but every one of them are wonderful and life-giving if we let them.
Curiosity is key to doing this.
One of the joys of mindful practice is to be present in the now. We can do that by appreciating what is around and in us and seeing it like new. To appreciate the meal I’ve eaten. To appreciate the view I see everyday. To appreciate those people who’re around me everyday.
Curiosity is key to doing this.
In order to notice the world around us and to appreciate it as if new, we need to take three steps.
1. Stop
2. Look
3. Be curious
Being curious can look like taking time to ask why and to look hard. Why is that why it is? What does that mean? How does that work? A wonderful world awaits us if we’re willing to be curious. What is more a healthy world awaits us if we feed that curiosity.
Getting started
You may or may not be naturally curious. Don’t worry. Between now and next week’s resources try these tasks:
1. Appreciate something familiar in a new way.
2. Indulge a new idea or thought. Einstein said “the mind that opens to a new idea never returns to it’s original size.”
3. Take time to investigate something – like why is the sky blue or why do bees like flowers.
4. Take time to stop and stare at something beautiful for a few minutes. A tree, a view, a building.
Curious mind builds wellbeing
Here at Space to Breathe we think a curious mind builds wellbeing. If you’re willing to fill yourself up with the sounds, sights and senses of things around you something wonderful will happen. Why not try it. Give the ideas above a go.
The five ways to wellbeing puts it like this.
You can find out more about the Five Ways to Wellbeing here