Remembering brings hope
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Albert Einstein
Hope is a thing that propels us towards tomorrow with the thought or belief that things could be better or different. I think we’ve all felt that hope this year but in the midst of an ongoing pandemic, hope can start to feel depleted. The wondering of when this tomorrow that we hope for will come can start to wear down our ability to live for today well.
But remembering can give us hope. As Albert Einstein said, there are things to learn from yesterday which we believe can give us hope for tomorrow. Instead of remembering being a looking back on old times, wishing things were as they used to be, we want to introduce the idea that looking back can be something you do to inspire hope.
One of the easiest ways for me to think about this is when I think about my children. I have two lovely, time filling, full of energy little children. First time round parenting was a shock to the system. I expected to be a natural and to love every minute; neither of expectations were realistic. Along the road I learned that I am a good mum, sometimes a great one. I will make mistakes, I will have tough days, sometimes I’ll hide in another room an cry but I can do it, often love it and my eldest has become a pretty fab three year old. When it came to having baby number two I definitely approached it with much more realistic expectations.
Time and experience had taught me that I have what it takes to parent and whilst my boy is in so many ways different to his sister, I have learnt ways to love, support and enjoy my kids. The anxiety and days of dread from the first time round were much less because of the strength I’d gained from before.
And this can be the case throughout so many life experiences. As we live and grow, we learn so many lessons. I’m sure 2020 has taught us a wealth of things amongst the disappointment. Lockdown #1 taught me that going for frequent runs was important for my mental health; that I quite enjoy a slower pace of life; that I really do love to hug people; that whilst I am a good mum, having my kids at nursery and working two days is work life balance that I really value.
As we headed into lockdown #2, I sat down with my husband and a cuppa to prepare for the next couple of months….
And I knew what would help me. Going for regular runs, getting out into nature, Sunday rest days and I was also grateful that nursery remained open. My memory board of experience from lockdown #1 taught me what I cherished and what needed to change to help me through what could be a dark, cold, tiring winter. Today I approach the season ahead with grace for my bad days and much more hope.
Is there an area of your life where you don’t hold out much hope just now? Are you lacking hope in general? Perhaps lockdown #2 and the winter months are still feeling daunting for you?
Take ten minutes now.
Grab a pen and some paper or you laptop and an open document.
Slow yourself for two minutes and think about where you need some hope.
Allow yourself to breathe deeply as you focus your thoughts.
Now take a look back through your life; which of your life experiences have taught you things that could give you strength and hope for this season?
Write, draw, doodle, photo collage together something to represent this.
Keep this memory board of strength somewhere to remind you that you have what it takes to navigate this season and to remember that you will take things from this time that will give you hope in the future.
This article was by Jo Edwards from the Space to Breathe team.
You can continue chatting to Jo via Twitter (@space2breathe) or Instagram (@spacetobreathecic)